Friday, October 31, 2008

Steroids in High School Sports are Not a Problem

I think the author of this editorial is extreamly creditable. What he basically explains is how unnecessary testing for steroids in high school is. He talks about how expensive it was in some state just to find two tests positive. It costed them nearly 6 million dollers to catch only 2 students juicing up in the bathroom before football practice. How crazy and useless does that sound when they could have spent all that money on things that impact more lives such as alcohol and other drugs.

So its pretty clear where the authour stands on this case. And I very much agree. Spend money where it counts. People always start yelling "steroids" when football teams start winning State championships. We won two State championships in a row and there were rumors that we were using steroids. We were just small guys with big hearts and a big desire to win. I am not surprised that steroids was discovered not to be an issue.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Our Next President?

As we all know, the argument for and against tobacco has been around for ages. The stay at home moms versus Mr.Camel and so on. Although most ague against it, (probabably due to the fact that theres not much positive to be found in much of it) it has yet to be banned. Thank you jesus! if they were to get rid of tobacco altogether i would probably go on a rampage. anyways... this artical is directed to a pretty general audience (almost everybody). Because as long as there is tobacco to be smoked, theres an arguement to be had. And as long as people keep dying from the tobacco companies products there will never be an end to this arguement.

I would say this author is credible because he/she lands some pretty intense statistics and facts about all this tobacco yadda. I agree with the entire agruement, but i aint going to quit dipping. Blame it on my stubborn ways.

my reference

Friday, October 10, 2008

Temporary Post

My original post seems to be having trouble painting on the screen. Adding a temporary second post seems to fix the issue. I will replace this post with a legitimate post soon.

New Drivers License Rule in Texas

First off, let me say that this new law which prevents illegal aliens from obtaining a Texas drivers license is one of the smartest things that our Texas government has done. This article from the Austin American Statesman was born from an opposing lawmaker who apparently has many concerns about this law. It states the reasoning behind the new law, as well as reasons not to stand behind it. For example McClendon writes, "That means these persons will be driving without qualifying for a Texas license and without required liability insurance. This presents an unacceptable risk of loss to other drivers in terms of bodily injury and property damage." Although this may be true, it's no excuse for us to be granting drivers licenses to illegals. The article also states that this is a form of alienation. Which couldn't be farther from the truth due to the fact that Texas is flooded with illegals these days. Unless you've been living in a cave for the last decade or so, this should be obvious. Its a solid fact. If you want a drivers license in the state of Texas, come over here legally like the others. It just doesn't seem fair to me that illegal immigrants would get the privaledge of a drivers license in this state when there's so many others who came over here the right way, legally, and deserve it.

I encourage everyone to read this article, create your own personal opinion, and dig a little deeper on this topic.