Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Our Next President?

As we all know, the argument for and against tobacco has been around for ages. The stay at home moms versus Mr.Camel and so on. Although most ague against it, (probabably due to the fact that theres not much positive to be found in much of it) it has yet to be banned. Thank you jesus! if they were to get rid of tobacco altogether i would probably go on a rampage. anyways... this artical is directed to a pretty general audience (almost everybody). Because as long as there is tobacco to be smoked, theres an arguement to be had. And as long as people keep dying from the tobacco companies products there will never be an end to this arguement.

I would say this author is credible because he/she lands some pretty intense statistics and facts about all this tobacco yadda. I agree with the entire agruement, but i aint going to quit dipping. Blame it on my stubborn ways.

my reference

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