Friday, October 31, 2008

Steroids in High School Sports are Not a Problem

I think the author of this editorial is extreamly creditable. What he basically explains is how unnecessary testing for steroids in high school is. He talks about how expensive it was in some state just to find two tests positive. It costed them nearly 6 million dollers to catch only 2 students juicing up in the bathroom before football practice. How crazy and useless does that sound when they could have spent all that money on things that impact more lives such as alcohol and other drugs.

So its pretty clear where the authour stands on this case. And I very much agree. Spend money where it counts. People always start yelling "steroids" when football teams start winning State championships. We won two State championships in a row and there were rumors that we were using steroids. We were just small guys with big hearts and a big desire to win. I am not surprised that steroids was discovered not to be an issue.

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